Tag Archives: Daniel Defoe

A Journal of the Plague Year

Suddenly, it seemed urgent to read one particular none-more-black item that had been on my shelf for quite some time. Not only is the subject matter super-relevant, there’s now acres of free time in which to tackle it.

Actually, it’s a quick read, told in crisp, journalistic style. It’s fanatically well-researched, sober and factual, yet despite the title, it’s not a personal record of the plague that swept London then the country in 1665; author Daniel Defoe was only a child at the time. The book lies somewhere between a historical novel and narrative non-fiction. It purports to be written by a man who elects to stay in the capital while the distemper, as he calls it, is at its height, walking the streets, observing and talking to fellow Londoners, while maintaining social distancing – people walk down the middle of the street to avoid each other.

The distemper begins in one house in Covent Garden, before spreading rapidly, area by area, to the eastern part of the city, where our somewhat opaque narrator resides (we learn very little about him personally). He watches it spread like a grim tide, eventually lapping at distant Deptford and Greenwich. Our imaginary Everyman has a keen interest in statistics, particularly the weekly ‘bills’ – announcements of deaths in each parish – and attempts to analyse how many deaths there would have been anyway, and how many are to be attributed to the plague. It’s like watching an early attempt to model an epidemic.

The moments where past and present nudge each other and the Londons of the 17th and the 21st century elide are what make the book especially striking for today’s readers. There is hoarding, and reckless mingling, and the brutal application of self-isolation, or ‘shutting up’. Sick and well family members were forcibly penned in together at home, which led to the deaths of entire households. Social gatherings were banned, the authorities ordering: ‘That all public feasting… and dinners at taverns, ale-houses and other places of common entertainment, be forborne until further order or allowance’.

There’s fake news about cures, and misgivings about touching, shopping and currency: ‘When anyone bought a joint of meat in the market, they would not take it off the butcher’s hand, but took it off the hooks themselves… the butcher would not touch the money, but have it put into a pot full of vinegar, which he kept for that purpose.’

As the infection continues, a hardening of the spirit takes place among the inhabitants. On one of his walks abroad, the narrator hears a woman scream ‘Oh! death, death, death!’ No one responds, and though chilled ‘in my very blood’, he too walks on, ‘for people had no curiosity now in any case, nor could anybody help one another.’ We’re not there yet.

The central section of the book is taken up with the adventures of three men, a joiner, a sail-maker and a baker, on their flight from the city at the height of the plague, and their harsh reception by villagers as they travelled through Essex. It’s practically a novel in miniature. There’s also the comic tale of a drunkard taken up by the dead cart, ready to be tipped in the plague pit. You can almost hear the voices of the people who must have told the adult Defoe their stories; and no doubt an urban myth or two crept in.

The frequent religious musings on the ways of Providence situate the book firmly in its era, with the narrator wondering whether attempts to cure the plague or mitigate its effects amount to subverting God’s will. Though pious, the narrator seems scientific in his approach, scoffing at others’ superstious notions. Discounting the idea of a stroke from God, the narrator understands the principle of infection. This passage in particular strikes a chill: ‘others… talk of infection being carried on by the air only, by carrying with it vast numbers of insects and invisible creatures, who enter in the body with the breath… and there generate or emit most acute poisons, or poisonous ovae or eggs, which mingle themselves with the blood, and so infect the body…’

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From the Attic 1: The House of Sight and Shadow

Over years of being a literary journalist, books have come into my hands that I haven’t got round to reading. In many cases I never will; but every so often I pick something up to while away a few hours. First in an occasional series is Nicholas Griffin’s ‘The House of Sight and Shadow’, published by Abacus in 2001. (Gosh – a long time ago!) 

Historical novelists rarely forego the opportunity to have their protagonists rub shoulders with compelling real-life characters. So if the setting is London and it’s the early 18th century, there’s a good chance they will encounter the infamous thief-taker, Jonathan Wild, and his cohort, the burglar and serial prison-escapee Jack Sheppard. Griffin has not resisted, any more than did Jake Arnott in his last novel, ‘The Fatal Tree’. Griffin doesn’t use the colourful underworld cant that Arnott relishes, but then his focus is upon higher echelons of society. At first I found it distracting that Griffin’s lead character is called Bendix, like the narrator of Graham Greene’s ‘The End of the Affair’. Then I forgot all about that as the narrative wove its spell.

This Bendix, one Joseph, having been romantically burnt in Paris by a married noblewoman, becomes apprenticed to Sir Edmund Calcraft, an unconventional surgeon based in Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Bendix is from a well-to-do family but is unlikely to inherit. Older than the usual apprentice, he retains ideas above his current station, sometimes having to bite back a retort when chided by his master. Still sighing over his lost Comtesse, Bendix finds an outlet for his romantic nature when he discovers that in the other wing, Calcraft is keeping his daughter sequestered from the world. Amelia is unable to tolerate daylight; can her father and would-be lover restore her failing sight despite radically different theories of medicine?

Both men have recourse to the dismal trade of the bodysnatcher, another well-worn trope of historical fiction. Calcraft’s notions are half-magical, half-scientific, as he actively seeks out the corpses of wicked men, with the help of the pamphleteer and novelist Daniel Defoe. I did wonder whether a young man of the period would own quite so many silk suits as Bendix does, and the way he flings golden guineas seems excessive. But generally this feels like an authentic, lived-in eighteenth century London, filled with charm and menace, populated with charlatans and link boys, coachmen and chambermaids, with a plot thematically poised between the light of knowledge and the dark of unreason:

The house, from the western wing to the basement, was bathed in a compromise of light. Neither was it illuminated by the bright candles that usually accompanied the doctor’s work, nor dimmed for Amelia’s muted world. Instead Lemon had placed lanterns with opaque glass about the steps to the basement, so that every ten yards yielded soft orange light as if suns were setting all about the house. 


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